My Writing

My Teacher, Jesus

I have had many teachers about healing over the past 25 years, but nothing comes close to what I’ve learned from Mother Mary, Jesus, Lao-Tzu and Buddha.

This second post in this series focuses on Jesus and how I became personally acquainted with him and his healing work.

My introduction to Jesus began early in my life. My parents, both originally from Salt Lake City, Utah, were raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also informally referred to as the LDS Church or The Mormon Church. I am from a long line of Mormon pioneers, so it followed that I was also taught the tenants of the church. I remember as a child going to church somewhat sporadically.  I remember my father served as a Scout Master and my mother also held various ‘callings’ in the church.

As a child, I could never remember the exact name of the church. On one occasion shortly after I was baptized by my father around the age of 8, I recall being at a friend’s house for a sleepover. My friend’s mother asked, ‘Which church does your family attend Cindy?’ Excited to answer, I said, “Oh, we go to the Church of LSD!” No more questions followed that answer and I don’t remember returning to my friend’s home for any more sleepovers.  

My parents moved us to Lancaster CA just prior to my Freshman year of High School. I had very few friends and moving from the perfect coastal weather of Santa Maria to the hot dry climate in the upper desert of Lancaster, CA was a blessing but also somewhat traumatic for our entire family, as both of my mother’s parents passed shortly after making the move.  

As I began my High School career, I met a few students who were also Mormon and started attending Seminary, a zero period one hour religious study each morning before school. I believe my attendance, although sporadic, was a life-saver during this period of my life, since my life could have very well taken a much different turn. I started to read ‘The Scriptures’ and was introduced to many stories about Jesus. There was quite the ‘born again Christian’ movement going on at the time and many of my high school friends and I had heated discussions about the unorthodox beliefs of the Mormon Church.  

While still in high school, I became a ‘Stake Missionary’ for the church. This experience taught me how to really ‘study’ the scriptures, talk to people and overall, it taught me tenacity and resolve. It was invaluable for me and my faith grew even stronger. My hobby became reading the scriptures, especially the New Testament, just so I could ‘keep up’ with my ‘Born Again’ friends and their knowledge of Jesus. You see, although the church I belonged to bore the name of Jesus Christ, I really didn’t know too much about him nor did I feel I had a personal relationship with Jesus. During this time there seemed to be a push for the Church to become more mainstream and even the name of the Church had changed to reflect the emphasis of JESUS CHRIST in all bold letters.  This was a time that I began to learn more and more about Jesus.  

There were two very strong influences in my early young adult life prior to my own personal experience with Jesus. These two people are my mother and my father’s mother, Margaret.  

My mother has always had a strong personal relationship with Jesus and she made it known to me.  When I moved away to college (a whole ‘other’ story!), my mom would frequently write me long letters to me talking about ‘The Lord’ and encouraging me to ‘know Him.’  

I moved to Salt Lake City and lived with my father’s mother when I was 19 and she was 79. We lived in the original home where my father and his 3 siblings were raised. I learned a lot from my grandmother during this time. We would spend long hours playing Rummy and having long conversations about many things. She had a strong faith and knowledge of Jesus and would talk often about him and her faith in ‘The Lord.’  

I later moved back to California, was married in the Los Angeles Mormon Temple at the age of 20, became a Deputy Sheriff for the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department at the age of 22, and was living life to the fullest. It was during my pregnancy with my son Jarom that I first saw Jesus in my dreams. Every night we would go for long walks on the beach and we would have in-depth conversations, although I could never remember the topics we discussed after waking up the following morning. I just knew, without a doubt, these experiences were real. It wasn’t too long after these many long walks and talks on the beach over the entire length of my pregnancy, that I had to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I had to make the decision to let my son’go back home.’ My son Jarom, was born on March 12,1987. He died in my arms, after a very long 22-hour process, on March 21,1987. Those 9 days, spent in the Kaiser Woodland Hills Hospital, were some of the most grueling days of my life. It was during this time, that I had some of the most in-depth talks with Jesus and these talks continue to this day. I have also learned through many of my other experiences: with a brain tumor, various injuries and illnesses, many triumphs and much loss. 

In 2001, I was introduced to Centers For Spiritual Living and have been to many of the CSL campuses throughout the United States. I believe the teachings of CSL have broadened my spiritual understanding in so many ways and I will forever be grateful for the many spiritual leaders and teachers of CSL. If you would like more information concerning Centers For Spiritual Living, please visit

In October of 2011, I moved from Palmdale, CA to Lexington, KY.  I left behind friends, family and a lot of other ‘knowns,’ literally venturing into the ‘unknown.’ The only thing I knew for sure, was that I was being ‘guided’ and that I would be ‘okay.’  I had grown to trust my intuition and those who I am familiar with, my son, my grandmother and Jesus.   

By October of 2012, after being in Lexington a year, I was told I to start Lifeline Healing. I had no idea what this meant in detail. I listened to the instructions and followed the guidance each step of the way and the clients came. What has followed since stepping onto this ‘life-path’ has been one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had!  

My ‘first official healing’ occurred on the dance floor, January 1, 2013, with my friend Sandy Wilkins. She later wrote about her experience in a testimonial which can be read on the Lifeline Healing website by clicking  here.  One day, within a few short days of this healing experience with Sandy, she stopped by my apartment unexpectedly. Because I had a healing session already scheduled, I invited her in, but told her I wouldn’t be available until after the session.  She sat at my dining room table while I was in the other room doing the session over the phone. After the session, I came out to the front room where Sandy was sitting at my dining room table.  She said, “Have you looked at your sliding glass door lately?” I said, “What are you talking about?”  She stood up, pointed to the sliding glass door and said, “Umm, there’s a lot going on here Cindy, take a look!” I remember looking at the sliding glass door and seeing some of the images and then all of a sudden, I could see exactly what she was talking about! What I saw was incredible! There were images that jumped out at me immediately, like the huge outline of a 7 foot tall Angel with very large wings, as if they were embedded in the glass door. I could also literally sense the presence of Jesus! I grabbed my iPhone and immediately started taking pictures. I took dozens of pictures from every angle possible, and as I did with the experience of my mural, I began documenting the images in my glass door.  

My friend Christy, who has the ability to see non physical beings, had many times given me detailed descriptions of my Spirit Guides and Angels that she saw here in my home.  She had described Abigail and Pierre with so much detail that I knew them the instant I saw the images on my iPhone and I burst into tears as I recognized them! I would like to share these images with all of you. These are the same images that I took the day my friend Sandy called my attention to them.  They have not been tampered with nor altered in any way.  I would love to read your comments on what you see and feel when you look at these images of my sliding glass door.

In July of 2013, after 7 months, I had the prompting that it was ‘time to clean the glass door’. I have to laugh now because I didn’t want to clean it. I was, in my mind, preserving the images forever. After a few minutes, I decided to ‘trust’ and clean the glass as I was prompted to. I scrubbed each side of the glass door and to my amazement, the images remained, and they are still present to this day. They are not as clear as they once were but even after 18 months, there is no denying these images are real.  

So far, it’s been 28 years of conversations with Jesus and the many events of my life that have shaped me for the work of Lifeline Healing. I have worked all over the world and in many capacities. I have dealt with heartbreak, death, severe trauma, sickness, injury and the blessings of many healing experiences to balance it all out. My son Jarom, is always with me and continues to be a profound teacher and influence in my life. My daughter Kristine was born in October of 1990 just prior to my grandmother’s passing. My son Steven’s birth and many, many other experiences have shaped my life. My dad has now joined with his mother in the beyond and I plan to share that story and many other experiences, as I continue to write more about my life, this healing work and the many lessons learned.  

As for Jesus, he is my best friend and one of the most incredible teachers I have ever come to know. He has personally taught me about His life, about healing, and the power of perfect love. I continue to learn from him each and everyday and, if this resonates with you, I invite you to do the same. I encourage you to develop your own personal relationship, and have your own personal conversations with Jesus, as I have. It’s been an amazing experience and continues to be one of the most profound daily experiences of my life.

Much love and many blessings,


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4 thoughts on “My Teacher, Jesus

  1. Cindy, I too will never forget this day of “discovery” when the image appeared on your sliding glass door. The very first glance gave me chills over my entire body and I too cried, knowing who was in your window. However I was not so shocked and surprised as many others were, as I had seen this angel many times in your home, but I was so overjoyed that you and others could now see what I had been seeing. Yes, it validated me and my gift, but more importantly, it showed you and all who have taken the time to look, that our Angels are truly among us, and that they do visit us not just in dreams and meditation. This Angel didn’t just pick you randomly, it was a divine guidance and a blessing. A blessing that has taken you on a guided tour of self discovery in knowing who and what you truly are~ Many Blessings Angel~

  2. Christy, you have always been a blessing in my life. Thank you for your comments here. I hope you will share this blog with everyone you know and let the world continue to discover the work of Lifeline Healing. I am so grateful to be a part of this amazing work. Much love and many blessings my friend!

  3. Your writing style is very raw and real. I can appreciate how you don’t sugar coat things. This makes for a very easy read. The simple humanity behind your experiences has the reader falling right into the experience as if it had happened to them (truly feeling the emotionality of your own personal experience). PS: What a precious moment and demonstration of childhood innocence… “the church of LSD” … very sweet. LOL

  4. Thanks Anieca 🙂 I appreciate your feedback here. Helps me a lot! …and I’m glad you liked the LSD Church comment. I will never forget the look on my mother’s face when I told her what I said. Makes me laugh out loud every time I recall this memory! Much love and many blessings! Cindy

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