My Writing

Last night I received a text message from my nephew Cory’s little boy Justin Nilson. He simply said, “Hi Aunt Cindy”. I hadn’t talked to Justin, or seen him in over a year and a half. This little boy is so special to me and his text, from out of nowhere, was such a splash of sunshine into my world.  His father, Cory, had lived with me for about three months when I was in Palmdale, California. We hadn’t really connected for years before that, but then eventually we did.  He had moved in with me then because of some very difficult life circumstances. He had been injured and couldn’t work, he had a family to take care of, and he was on way too many pain meds which caused a whole new level of other problems. So I invited him to live with me. We had the most amazing talks. He was struggling to get through the pain every day and I could sense his inner struggle as well. We spent several nights just talking and I could relate to his pain because I’d been there. And, I could relate to his fear, because I’d been there as well.

On April 8, 2011, I left for Kentucky to meet my friend Sylvia for the first time in person. Cory had driven me to the local ‘park and ride’ where the Shuttle Bus Company was based and dropped me off. Before we parted, I asked, “Are you ok?”  He said with a smile, “Ya, Aunt Cindy, I’m fine!” We hugged and I left for my much-anticipated trip here to Kentucky, where I now live.

The next day, I got a text from my mother that Cory was dead. It simply said: “9-1-1 CORY IS DEAD!” He had reached his limit and shot himself out on the street. I immediately called my mom and we just cried and cried on the phone. My friend Sylvia, who I had come to know over the many phone calls during the previous six weeks, just held me and cried with me in disbelief. I was perplexed. I couldn’t understand why Cory had to go this way. I was devastated and so was our entire family; especially his four children.

While on the phone with my mom, she said, “He found your gun Cindy.” I said, “What?!”  She repeated it and told me that the last thing he told his wife was he intended to go to my house, find one of my guns and kill himself. I was suddenly quiet, almost restrained from talking, still in shock at the news of his death, let alone this new information. And then I remembered the promptings I had received before moving back into my house in August of 2010; the same house I had raised my kids in, only now it was just me. Spirit said, “Leave your guns outside. DO NOT take the guns in the house.”

I thought at the time that the prompting was sort of strange but during the past four years that I’ve been studying the Tao, I have distanced myself from any and all weapons, violence, or video/TV programs that show or condone violence. I did exactly what I was told to do and secured all my weapons three times what I would normally do and then stored them off site, away from my home. In that moment, I remembered this experience and explained to my mother that it was absolutely IMPOSSIBLE that Cory had used MY gun to take his life. Later, I received confirmation that indeed I was right; it was NOT my weapon. Thank God. Thank God!

Last night, while I was on Facebook, I gave my phone number to Cory’s son Justin and he called me. His brother Joey (named after my father) got on the phone and the first thing he said was, “Aunt Cindy, why did you leave your gun in the house?” I was able to explain to this little boy, tenderly, what had really happened; that his father, in his excruciating pain, had made a choice to release himself from this life, but that his love for him continues forever. I also cleared up the misconception about the weapon, assuring him that it was NOT mine. It was one of the most piercing conversations I’ve ever had in my life. I felt their relief when they were given the true and correct information. And even though it still doesn’t bring their father back, they were relieved to know that it wasn’t my weapon he had used.

They are in foster care now and when I spoke to the boys’ foster dad, his vibration was that of an Angel. He was kind and compassionate. When I asked the boys if they ‘liked’ their foster family, Justin said “Oh, very much. He is so kind and wonderful…we love him so much.” It brought tears to my eyes, tears of peace and joy because I know how ‘rare’ a really good foster family is.

I know sometimes Facebook gets a bad reputation because it’s often used for petty comments, attacks and the like. But I believe Facebook is a gift to the world. It has played, and will play, a vital positive role as the collective consciousness moves toward healing the planet.

Although the loss of my nephew is tragic and perplexing on so many levels, I’m so glad I LISTENED, did what I was directed to do, and followed the promptings of my inner voice, or the Spirit. And I’m so glad these little boys have Facebook to reach out and get the support and love they so want and deserve. I was able to put them in touch with my mom, and after many months of silence, the connection has been restored. She was then able to put them in touch with their other grandma, who they were ‘mad at’ because she was apparently the one who ‘stepped up’ and called to get them the help they needed. It’s my hope and prayer that this healing continues.

Life is a perplexing journey at times, as we strive to reach higher and expand our awareness of who and what we are. What I know is that every moment is a gift. Every conversation can either be healing or corrosive. I’ve struggled lately to let go of some pain of my own, and yet today, as I woke up remembering the miracle of how these little boys embrace forgiveness in their hearts every day, I realized, “Here are my teachers. Here are my Angels. Listen, Cindy! Follow their example of Pure Love. They have no requirements – no expectations.”

I know that every one of you is a gift to my life. There are many, many people I haven’t met, and yet I know someday I will meet you. I pray for your happiness and wellbeing each and every day. I pray we all will LISTEN and heed the promptings of the Spirit, knowing that no matter how much time we have with each other, we ARE making a difference as we listen to that ‘still small voice’, even when we don’t understand why.

Thank you, Justin and Joey. Your courage, your love and your example of forgiveness, are constant reminders for me to reach higher, every day and with every breath I breathe.

I love you,
Aunt Cindy.

Thank you so much for reading this. I have many more stories like this one; stories that have shaped my life. You can read more stories just like this one right here on my blog.

I welcome you also to visit the Lifeline Healing website at to read the many testimonials posted there and for upcoming events.
Feel free to email me at: and stop by my Facebook fan page at

Much love and many blessings,
Cindy Sommer, Energetic Healer
Lifeline Healing

Listening And A Tribute To Justin And Joey Nilson

My Writing

Kim Moore writes her testimonial here…

WOW!! What would you do if you felt yourself WHOLE for the first time ever? Feeling love so profoundly to my core this evening… earlier I slept like a rock and now at this late hour I’m writing cause i am sitting with tears streaming down my face. Tears of JOY, Tears of FREEDOM, Tears of compassion to and for all my human and non Human counter parts. All throughout time and all throughout history. I thank you for all the good and the bad expierences. This is an awesome life although i have had to go through much self hate, self-criticism, self abuse; mental, emotional, physical. Through all times and through all etternity. I’m so happy to be me to be full, to be functional in the NOW ~ Nothing is in my way! I can have my own thoughts feelings and emotions and i can feel them but i know what is mine and what is some one elses. I’m Happy to help but im no longer ever willing to carry anything that is not mine to the extent I have in the past. I am light as a feather, floating throughout time and space. I am fully loved by the Divine. I have never felt loved as much as I do from those who suround me on the spiritual realms. I appreciate all the expierences in the now, and I take from them only that what is needed to move foward in a possitive direction. I understand empathically what feeling tortured is all about. I’ve been through wars, i’ve been through many lives of pain and I am so happy to have found a way to release it!! I love and approve of ME and i really dont need any one elses opinions or thoughts. I’m happy to have others join me in the deep healing I am on. I want to lift the burdens off of every one in this time space continum but you need to want it to the core! You need to be ready to cry, to scream, to release those very deep raw emotions to the core. I can only relate it to the worst smelling dish water, laundry water or the waters found in parts of the world that are full of sewage and i hope mother nature in time can purify it all and can help to purify each and every one of us to our soul centre. To make us LOVE again, not just say it but show it, mean it, sing it, feel it! Have the connection with God, Lao Tzu, Buddha, Mother Mary the Angels and Guides that are by us every day that are walking with us down this path we are all here to serve a greater purpose we must get out of our own way. We must Allow ourselves to see past Ego I’m not saying loose it im saying balance it. I’m not saying to fully give up Abundnance -there has to be balance in all we do. I only am realizing this now. Things we are not aware of are the contracts we have in past lives that affect us in the here and now. Do the work, be willing, be open, be honest with you! That’s the only person right now that matters, YOU!Do the work and you will help to motivate not only yourself but each and every other individual on this earth. We need change not just in POLITICS but in getting along and if you can sit down and just be quiet and centrer and ground and just feel YOU. Feel YOU in that quiet space don’t fear it…be open to it.

I have always believed in a higher power and only recently have gotten to know those in higher places more so. They Teach me so easily and simply how to TRUST again…. How to BELIEVE, How to FEEL, how to let GO of RESISTANCE and how to merge into the light as a living being on earth. I want the world to be a happier, safer, healthier place and we can do it IF we all realize we are a piece of the puzzle! No one said it would be easy or heck, even fun. FIND a healer! Find several…not all healers are the same – no one is better than another, ever. They all offer different ways of approaching your deep seeded CRAP (past chaos) you can be freed, you can feel lighter, you can live and walk in your Divine self ~ daily ~ breathe in the great love and light and Spirit follow your HEART not your head. Find things that get you connected! Eat wisely for you what’s good for you is not what is necessarely good for the next person, exercise for a few min….or a few hours, what ever feels good for you!Stay in the moment! Don’t try and jump weeks, months and years ahead. TODAY is what’s important. Live in GRATITUDE. Love and BE LOVED and FEEL LOVED. Love your animal friends as well as all your friends, family and show people the way! Show people it’s worth it! Show people there is a bennefit in doing the work themselves as much as doing it for the greater good. I am SO happy and so grateful to be on this path. It’s intense when your body comes back from all these spaces and times, all the pieces back inside of you. It’s intense! You feel whole and light all at the same time! You may expierence waves of emotion you never ever expierenced before because you lost that facet. Once you have it all back, you really feel the desire to cherish it.. STAY in Gratitude and be happy, feel loved, feel light.. Thank You Thank YOU thank You!!!!”

Kim M.

My Writing

A Prayer Of Protection

As I recognize God as Love, as I recognize God as Peace, as I recognize God as Joy… I know there is a God. As I speak this word it is God’s word, and God’s word is my word. I give thanks for all that I am and all that I have. And right now, I call upon the Divine Creator Source Energy…….I call upon Father Mother God and I call in my Highest Divine Angels to surround me and wrap me in Pure Perfect Love, Perfect Peace and Perfect Joy. I call in the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael (and their clearing teams) to surround me and clear me of ANY and ALL negative energy that may be attached to, moving in, through, or around me. I CUT ALL cords, RELEASE all ties and wipe away ALL negative energy whatsoever. – With God and my Angels I clear any and all negative attachments, releasing them and transmuting them into the hands of THE Divine and those Divine Arch Angels who I have called in. It is AGAINST my Divine will that ANY negativity stay in my space, in my mind or in my body. I step out of fear and into the Divine light. I call UPON and rely ONLY UPON Divine Light from Divine Creator Source Energy. This is my prayer. I know it is done. I release it with love and gratitude into Law
by saying ~ And SO IT IS! Amen!

Much love and many blessings ~ Cindy at Lifeline Healing

My Writing

The Latest Testimonial From Keliann Myers Eggleston

“I am so grateful for Cindy. I have been working with her for over a year. She has helped me with her cleanse and clear workshops, the session on resistance and her Saturday Meditations. She is my mentor and has taught me so much! She is such an amazing healer. My life has change so dramatically. I have a sense of Love for myself and others which I have tried for such a long time to open my heart and love myself. I studied all the things and knew in my head all the things that brings love to me and others, however, Cindy has taken me to such high dimensions of healing. I now have the feelings of love which is felt in an open heart. The shift I have experienced is phenomenal!”

My Writing

Saturday Morning Weekly Meditation

Every Saturday!  11:15AM Eastern

Please join me for an wonderful and relaxing guided meditation journey.  This meditation is a CALL IN meditation until October 10th.  Once we are in the 2nd week of October, you may come to the location in Lexington OR call in.

For all who want to log on and join in on this guided meditation, you can log into your this call via your phone or computer!

CALL TIE-PEACE-IN or EMAIL Cindy at for more information.

Suggested Love Offering $10 but this is not mandatory.  All are welcome, regardless.

Much love and many blessings,

Cindy at Lifeline Healing 🙂

My Writing

The latest testimonial from Denise Anderson re the Cleanse & Clear Guided Meditation 9/3/15

“Another incredible experience! It never ceases to amaze me how I am left with such Gratitude and Peace after these workshops. I am lifted once again. Thank you Cindy Sommer for the gift that you are and the gift that you bring. The world is truly blessed by your Love and Light. Thank You. I’d like to share these words that came to me from last night’s meditation. Blessed and grateful, Always.

Allow life to breathe your words through you
And let Love light each of them on fire,
Your heart and hand now guided there by Divine knowing.
Ancient wisdom flows,
Born of forgiveness and opening.

Hold your pen in gratitude
And feel the gift that’s moving through,
Blessed by the Grace that open heart receives.
Pull up the shade,
Shine out your Light to guide them Home.

Love is the grace that lifts us All.”

My Writing

TUNE IN TONIGHT AT 9PM Eastern For LIFELINE with Cindy Sommer on BlogTalkRadio

Tonight’s show is all about Resistance.  It’s easy to call in – 347-850-1090 – to listen or to ask a question.  Or simply click on

Follow us on FACEBOOK at

Have a blessed day! Hope to hear you soon on air!

Much love,

The Lifeline with Cindy Sommer Angel Team

My Writing

The Next Cleanse & Clear has been scheduled! Aug 19th, 2015 7PM Eastern

COME JOIN World Renowned Healer Cindy Sommer as she brings you her acclaimed “Cleanse and Clear” Guided Meditation/Workshop followed by an incredible BONUS Karmic Clearing.

Join Cindy as she guides you through a process that is incredibly powerful! Remove blockages that might be holding you back. Heal your body, mind, and spirit to move forward with your dreams and desires. Work with this incredible healer for TWO hours as she redesigns your life using her potent abilities to channel, guide and heal. If you would like to start on this
amazing path to freedom; emotional freedom, physical freedom, spiritual freedom and even financial freedom THIS IS YOUR KEY!

COST: $35.00/person
This workshop is usually $69/person but Cindy Sommer is offering this to all those who sign up now, in her hometown, for the reduced cost of $35.00! Seating is limited to 20 slots at the center and 25 via phone so please be sure to go ONLINE to and enroll. Click on the ONLINE PAYMENT button at the top right hand corner of the website menu. Scroll down to CLEANSE & CLEAR WORKSHOP. Once you make your payment, your seat will be secured!
Slots fill up fast so don’t delay. Usually, we have 25-35 who attend but because seating is limited, please sign up now!

IF YOU ARE OUT OF TOWN, you can enroll and attend this workshop and receive the same benefit at the same cost, all from the comfort of your own home!  Same cost.

PREP: Drink lots of water prior to the call. It will help you to ground and prepare you for an amazing experience!

Much love and many blessings,

The Lifeline Healing Angel Team!
